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Say goodbye to manual searches and missed opportunities

Get personalized PR brand mentions & Link-Building opportunities!

Receive personalized PR brand mentions & link-building opportunities from HARO, Qwoted, Twitter, HelpAB2Bwriter, PASE, and more directly in your inbox. Say goodbye to the daily manual check, save time, and enhance your online presence.

What is PR brand mention?

A digital PR brand mention refers to any instance where a brand, company, product, or service is mentioned or referenced on digital platforms such as websites, blogs, social media, online news articles, podcasts, videos, or any other online content. 


Eg. brand mention.png

What are HARO & other platforms?

HARO & other platforms connect journalists, content managers, and writes with experts for well-researched articles. Its benefits include “exposure for experts” and “access to top-quality sources for creators”. However, quick response times and sifting through numerous opportunities can be challenging. Consistent effort is required to maximize opportunities.

​You can monitor opportunities to...

Get backlinks for your site

Get featured in podcasts

Get featured in media outlets

What is SEOBOX?

SEO Box is an automated Ai based PR & link-building opportunities monitoring tool. It streamlines the quote submission process to matched opportunities, just set up targeted keywords and filters to receive timely notifications matching your expertise. It Saves time and effort. So, you can focus on responses, build connections and enhance your online presence and expert reputation.

How it works?

Add Keywords & other required input

Get personalized opportunities in your email inbox

Submit your quote to match opportunities

Platforms monitored by SEO BOX?

(Currently monitoring)

Connect with journalists and get featured in top publications by providing valuable insights and expert opinions.

Connect with B2B writers and get featured on B2B companies' websites by providing valuable insights and expert opinions.

Connect with link-builders and get featured on websites by doing ABC link exchange or providing expert opinions.

(U̶p̶c̶o̶m̶i̶n̶g̶  New released)

Benefits of SEOBox

Save Time

Don't look at PR opportunities with the hope of finding a relevant opportunity. Use SEOBox to know when they come by.

Unified Dashboard

All PR & link-building opportunities over different platforms are consolidated in a single feed.

have you seen anything like this?

Connect Faster

You have the best chance when you are among the first ones to apply to these opportunities within the deadline.

Never Miss an Opportunity

While manual search, there might chances to miss some relevant opportunities. SEOBox sends all matched opportunities.

Configure & Forget

If you are not the one who can invest time daily, configure SEOBox & forget. You'll know when an opportunity comes your way.

View & Manage in a Feed

View all the opportunities in a single Feed, manage them by status, and add subscribers to involve your teammates.


With's personlized PR & link building opportunites...

PR Agencies

Boost Client Exposure

PR agencies can expand their clients' exposure, secure valuable media opportunities, and elevate their brand presence.

Startup Founders

Amplify Startup Visibility

Startup founders can secure media coverage, reach a broader audience, attract potential investors, and accelerate their startup's growth.

Link Builders

Drive Traffic and Authority

Link builders can acquire authoritative backlinks, strengthen their website's link profile, and improve organic search rankings

Subject Matter Experts

Establish Authority

Subject matter experts can establish authority, build credibility, and increase their online presence within their respective fields.

​What people say

​Aditya, SaaS founder

With my busy schedule, link-building was not on my to-do list as it seems a constant challenge. But SEOBox's personalized request notifications have been a game-changer for me. Now, I occasionally submit quotes to matched opportunities without giving much time to it.

Plans for every kind of business

✓ Early access offer  ✓ Try free trial for 5 days  ✓ Cancel anytime.

If you get one brand mention or backlink, your SEOBox cost is recovered (worth it?)


5 days free trial


20 Keywords Tracking

Keyword set by users to track PR & backlink opportunities

5 Tracking List

lists in which users configure keywords & other details to monitor opportunities.

70 Match Alert Per Month

Match alert trigger when an opportunity matched with user's set keywords.

15 Subscribers

Subscribers who will get email notification on every matched alert.


5 days free trial


30 Keywords Tracking

Keyword set by users to track PR & backlink opportunities

10 Tracking List

lists in which users configure keywords & other details to monitor opportunities.

150 Match Alert Per Month

Match alert trigger when an opportunity matched with user's set keywords.

20 Subscribers

Subscribers who will get email notification on every matched alert.



5 days free trial


​70 Keywords Tracking

Keyword set by users to track PR & backlink opportunities

20 Tracking List

lists in which users configure keywords & other details to monitor opportunities.

300 Match Alert Per Month

Match alert trigger when an opportunity matched with user's set keywords.

40 Subscribers

Subscribers who will get email notification on every matched alert.

All features

Where user get notify on every match alert.
Email, Chrome & In app Notifications
Email, Chrome & In app Notifications
Email, Chrome & In app Notifications
Subscribers who will get notification on every matched alert.
Keyword syntax
A predefine syntax that allows users to set advance keywords to monitor more relevant opportunities.
There are two operators - AND (triggers when all set keyword in tracking list match) OR (trigger when any one set keyword in tracking list match)
Platforms from where users can monitor opportunities
HARO, HelpAB2BWriter, PASE
HARO, HelpAB2BWriter, PASE, Qwoted, terkel
HARO, HelpAB2BWriter, PASE, Qwoted, terkel
Share your workspace access with team members.
Match alerts
Match alert trigger when an opportunity matched with user's set keywords.
Up to 10
Up to 50
Up to 90
Tracking list
Lists in which users configure keywords & other details to monitor opportunities.
Keyword tracking
Keyword set by users to track PR & backlink opportunities.
all features

Empower Your Online Presence with SEOBOX!

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